Sunday 26 August 2018


Punctured, and weeping, along the rutted racecourse of time,
Phantoms murmur in the darkle and watch
As stretched shadows roll inward, tremble,
And stutter toward decay.

Crudely carved onto broken ground, whispered silence is cast in ghostly silhouette.
It bites with sharpened, wraith-like, teeth,
trails the savaged, green, soul of the earth, with suffering,
and claims a puckered forfeit in rusted blood.

Saturday 11 August 2018

The Fall

Bone-thin, molten-skinned, hackle-hunched and shackled
All gnawing after truth, and a place to rest,
They search the skies.
Eyes, cleft, yellow-red, and rolling inward
As white -wings descend from heaven and hide reality
in a snowstorm of purity and light against the dark.

Talons, marked by angel’s blood, scatter feathers
And eager tongues, split by lies, taste misted-memories
rising in forked wisps
from the ancient  quagmire of unborn hopes and dreams
spawned by daemons after the fall.